What does «vuestro» mean in Spanish?
- Second person plural possessive adjective and pronoun that does not include the speaker, but includes two or more persons who possess something, but can be singular or plural with respect to what is possessed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "vuestra casa es hermosa"; "vuestros amigos"; "una idea vuestra", en estos ejemplos usado como adjetivo posesivo.
"-¿De quién es esto? / -Es vuestro"; "este es el vuestro"; "mis padres y los vuestros"; en estos ejemplos empleado como pronombre posesivo.
- In formal settings, it usually refers in its four forms (vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras) to a single possessor when, by fiction that usage authorizes, the plural number is given to a single person; in other words, on certain formal occasions it is used for a single possessor, for example: "vuestro consejo", when speaking to a monarch. It is also applied to a single individual in certain respectful or solemn treatments such as: your Holiness; your Majesty; your Mercy (
Examples of use in Spanish: "Al concederse el honor de ponerla en vuestras manos, señor, garantizo a la patria...".
"La labor que ocupa vuestras manos, dueñas de lo que sólo es vuestro".
- What someone excels at or likes to do the most.
Examples of use in Spanish: "lo vuestro es la matemática sin dudas, ¡sois un genio!".
"lo vuestro no es la computación".
- Affairs or belongings of the group of people to whom it is addressed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¿quién más sabe lo vuestro?".
- (la vuestra) A familiar expression that indicates that a favorable occasion has arrived for the person in question. It is used more with the verb ser.
Examples of use in Spanish: "esta es la vuestra".
"aprovechad el momento, que es la vuestra"
- (alguna o una de las vuestras) Some negative action performed once again by the people to whom it is addressed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¿habéis hecho una vez más de las vuestras?"
- (ser vuestro o ser muy vuestro) Courtly expression with which someone offers himself to the disposition of another for whatever he wishes to command.
- (los vuestros) Someone close to someone, whether they are relatives, friends, acquaintances, members of the same team, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "traje obsequios para vosotros y para los vuestros".
"es uno de los vuestros".
"los vuestros ganaron".