7 sentences with 'occasions'

Example sentences and phrases with the word occasions and other words derived from it.

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« The marine biologist studied a species of shark so rare that it had only been seen on a few occasions worldwide. »

occasions: The marine biologist studied a species of shark so rare that it had only been seen on a few occasions worldwide.
« Despite all his efforts, rebellions against his rule were frequent and Charlemagne was forced to fight against former subjects to re-establish control on several occasions. »
« That said, it is clear that the general pattern of contact between Rome and Germania was a combination of peaceful coexistence punctuated by many occasions of extreme violence. »
« There were also many occasions during the Middle Ages when individual popes were weak and ineffective and could not even enforce obedience within the ecclesiastical hierarchy itself. »
« On several occasions I had found bees or moths trapped on the porch, and I had always caught them and then let them go. But this moth was a colour I had never seen before: pink, completely pink. »
« On several occasions he was called to Detroit and, on one of those trips, he got his first look at an engine invented by German Nikolaus August Otto, which was the sensation in the mechanical world. »
« Militant activists who organised public demonstrations were brutalised on several occasions by the police, and those who were arrested were subjected to coercive feeding when they went on hunger strikes. »

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