What does «nativismo» mean in Spanish?
- Opposition to immigration and has been a political factor in all countries with immigration since the rise of romantic nationalism in the early 19th century. In Protestant countries it is often closely linked to anti-Catholicism. See also Xenophobia. In the United States the term "nativism" distinguishes between Americans born in the United States and individuals who have immigrated to "first-generation" immigrants. A similar distinction is relevant in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The term itself is not known in the UK and Europe, although the underlying realities are not so different. In many other countries, a person with foreign-born parents would also be considered a "foreigner" or an "immigrant." Not all opposition to immigration in the United States is concerned with this distinction, but nativism has become a general term for "opposition to immigration" based on the fear that immigrants do not share American values. It can be misleading to apply the term in other countries, especially in Europe, where opposition to immigration is often based on national identity. The term "anti-immigration" can be used to describe individuals, groups or movements that oppose significant levels of immigration into their countries. Anti-immigrant can refer to those who oppose specific groups of migrants, or as a pejorative for those who oppose immigration. The terms often have negative connotations in a political context, particularly in the West, where politicians often avoid giving explicit support to anti-immigration platforms or describing their policies as "anti-immigrant."