10 sentences with 'politicians'

Example sentences and phrases with the word politicians and other words derived from it.

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« Thus, even nominally sympathetic male politicians repeatedly betrayed promises to push the issue of women's suffrage into law. »
« In Prussia and the other Germanic kingdoms, a series of revolutions saw a gathering of hundreds of aspiring politicians in the city of Frankfurt. »
« However, the demand for women's suffrage was hampered by the fact that male politicians across the political spectrum refused to champion the issue, albeit for different reasons. »
« Amidst the failure of Spanish military expeditions to stop the revolutions, in 1820 an alliance of liberal politicians and military officers staged a coup against Ferdinand and began to remake Spain as a liberal state. »
« Two powerful politicians, Pompey and Crassus (both of whom had come to prominence as supporters of Lucius Cornelius Sulla), joined forces to crush Spartacus' slave revolt in 70 BC and were elected consuls because of their success. »
« In 1799, Napoleon was chosen to join a new three-man conspiracy that succeeded in seizing power in a coup; the new government was called the Consulate, its members "consuls" after the most powerful politicians of the ancient Roman Republic. »
« The response of European politicians and businessmen was to focus on acquiring overseas territories to counterbalance the vast natural resources of the United States, which had achieved its dominance through the enormity and wealth of US territory (taken by force from Native Americans). »
« Perhaps the most innovative and important of Solon's innovations was the concept of an impersonal state, in which politicians came and went but which continued as an institution that obeyed written laws; this contrasted with the "state" as a mere ruling cabal of elite men, which Athens had been before Solon's intervention. »
« On the left, however, both liberal and socialist politicians were largely supportive of women's suffrage - in theory. In practice, however, politicians on the left (prey to even more sexist stereotypes) feared that women would vote for traditional conservatives because women "naturally" craved the comfort and protection of tradition. »
« Under the watch of the French King Charles X, the small group of wealthy politicians who were allowed to sit in the French Chamber of Deputies passed a law making religious sacrilege punishable by death (no one was ever actually executed), and reinstated harsh censorship even as French society had become increasingly literate and liberal. »

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