11 sentences with 'politician'

Example sentences and phrases with the word politician and other words derived from it.

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« The politician proposed a social reform program to improve the quality of life for citizens. »

politician: The politician proposed a social reform program to improve the quality of life for citizens.
« The politician vehemently defended his position before the press, using solid and convincing arguments. »

politician: The politician vehemently defended his position before the press, using solid and convincing arguments.
« The politician defended his position with confidence and conviction, arguing in favor of his ideas and proposals. »

politician: The politician defended his position with confidence and conviction, arguing in favor of his ideas and proposals.
« The elder of the two was Tiberius Gracchus, a wealthy but reform-minded politician. »
« Napoleon was not only a brilliant general, but also a serious politician with a keen mind for how government needed to be reformed for greater efficiency. »
« An Athenian politician, Demosthenes, once said: "we have heirs for pleasure, regular prostitutes to attend to our physical needs, and wives to bear legitimate children and be faithful custodians of our homes". »
« The term anti-Semitism itself was invented and popularised by German and Austrian politicians in the late 19th century - an Anti-Semitic League emerged in Germany in the 1870s under the leadership of a politician named Wilhelm Marr. »
« Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 - 1527): Machiavelli was a "courtier", a professional politician, ambassador and civil servant who spent his life in the court of a ruler - in his case, as part of the city government of his native Florence. »
« To avoid civil war, the Athenians appointed Solon (638 - 558 BC), an aristocratic but just politician, to serve as tyrant and reform institutions. His most important step in restoring order was to cancel debts and eliminate debt slavery itself. »
« Under the leadership of a general and politician, Pompey ("the Great"), both Mithridates and the remaining formerly Seleucid independent territories were defeated and incorporated as provinces or puppet states under the control of the Republic. This brought almost the entire Mediterranean region under Roman rule, with only Egypt remaining independent. »
« So there is an unresolved question about the end of the Roman Republic: when a new politician and general named Julius Caesar became increasingly powerful and eventually began to replace the Republic with an empire, was he simply fulfilling the threat posed by Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla, or was there really something unprecedented in his actions? »

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