8 sentences with 'policies'

Example sentences and phrases with the word policies and other words derived from it.

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« The economist analyzed the figures and statistics to determine the most appropriate economic policies for the country's development. »

policies: The economist analyzed the figures and statistics to determine the most appropriate economic policies for the country's development.
« Although he had no way of realising it, however, some of Suleiman's policies proved destructive in the long run. »
« While Louis XIV's main legacy was the image of the monarchy he created, his practical policies were largely destructive of France itself. »
« To impose its grain procurement and pricing policies, the government had to rely heavily on local militant organisations that often terrorised the very peasants they were supposed to represent. »
« The Abbasids abandoned Arab-centric policies and instead adopted Muslim universalism that allowed any Muslim the possibility of attaining the highest state offices and political and social importance. »
« In one fell swoop, Nazi laws and policies (in particular the entire edifice of anti-Semitic legislation) were imported into Austria, and there was a wave of looting as Catholic Austrians attacked their Jewish compatriots. »
« In turn, inspired by liberal economic theories, governments adopted austerity policies, cutting already limited social programmes, balancing state budgets and slashing spending. The result was that even less capital was available in the private sector. »
« Louis XIII died in 1643, and his son became King Louis XIV. The latter was still too young to take the throne, so his mother became regent, ruling alongside Richelieu's protégé Jules Mazarin, who continued Richelieu's policies and focused on taxation and royal centralisation. »

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