What does «mura» mean in Spanish?
- The part of the ship's sides where the ship begins to taper to form the bow; tack.
- A rope or rope on each of the lower fists of the cross mainsails and on the lower foresail of all knife sails, to carry them forward and secure them.
- Indigenous people of Brazil, great navigators of the Amazon and nomads. Historical sources from the 18th and 19th centuries point to the presence of the Mura in vast and diverse regions of the eastern Amazon. They played an important role in Brazilian history during the colonial era, and were characterized by their quiet determination and subsequent resistance to the invasion of the Portuguese culture. Formerly a powerful people, they were defeated by their neighbors, the Munduruku, in 1788.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los muras sufrieron masacres, pérdidas culturales y lingüísticas en sus distintos contactos con los europeos".
- Family of languages spoken by this people of the state of Amazonas, originally isolated, but later mixed with whites, blacks and other indigenous populations, they came to use Nheengatú. Dialects: - Bohurá, or Buxwaray, the original form of the name Mura.
- Administrative unit of modern Japanese and Edo-era villages.
- Japanese term meaning inequality or inconsistency in physical matter or in the human spiritual condition.
- A genus of cicadas of the family Cicadidae. There is at least one species described in Mura: Mura elegantula.
- Another name for the Munda ethnic group of India.
- Catarrh, among the Ngäbe Buglé Indians of Panama, produced by a highly contagious respiratory bacterial infection transmitted by coughing. It is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.
♦ Used in: Panama
Examples of use in Spanish: "los síntomas inician con catarro (müra) en las vías respiratorias".