11 sentences with 'lower'

Example sentences and phrases with the word lower and other words derived from it.

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« The number of students who attended the class was lower than expected. »

lower: The number of students who attended the class was lower than expected.
« My husband suffered a herniated disc in his lower back and now he has to wear a brace to support his back. »

lower: My husband suffered a herniated disc in his lower back and now he has to wear a brace to support his back.
« Running works the muscles of the lower body, predominantly the back of the legs. »
« 9:53 A.M. Dylan felt the elevator lower and turned so that his feet were facing the doors. »
« -To lower it, you have to reduce the pressure," Beahm said. Maybe I can puncture the plunger. »
« It is known that this type of physical activity helps to lower stress and neutralise inhibitions. »
« Slowly lower your hips and left knee. The right knee should not extend past the arch of the foot. »
« Unsaturated fats have the desirable effect of helping to lower undesirable types of blood cholesterol. »
« Generally, most attention is paid to leg and lower body work. But don't forget the upper body, which is the one that sets the position of the body. »
« When you row, you are working both the upper and lower body, with the upper body predominating, producing a great development of the dorsal or back muscles. »
« Moments later the chief resident came in and explained that the pain I was feeling in my lower abdomen was almost certainly due to my bladder reacting violently to the balloon holding the catheter in place, and that sometimes the bladder spasms were extremely painful. »

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