11 sentences with 'low'

Example sentences and phrases with the word low and other words derived from it.

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« The water pressure was too low. »

low: The water pressure was too low.
« In the mountains, a low cloud enveloped the landscape in fog. »

low: In the mountains, a low cloud enveloped the landscape in fog.
« The eagle was searching for food. It flew low to attack a rabbit. »

low: The eagle was searching for food. It flew low to attack a rabbit.
« The polar bear lives in the Arctic and adapts to the low temperatures thanks to its thick fur. »

low: The polar bear lives in the Arctic and adapts to the low temperatures thanks to its thick fur.
« Hypoglycaemia is unusually low blood sugar, causing dizziness and sweating. »
« Then the animal emits a low growl and scurries away with a characteristic rocking horse-like sway. »
« Roman elites kept taxes on their own property low, but the provinces were often ruthlessly exploited and overall tax levels were high. »
« Speed, reliability ... and low price. Henry Ford's ideas were already beginning to crystallize around the principles that would create the car for the masses. »
« Slavery declined around 200 CE because supplies began to run low and prices rose; without the steady expansion of the empire, there were far fewer slaves available. »
« The immediate effect of the Black Death was that lords tried to prevent their peasants from fleeing the land and to keep wages at the low levels they were at before the plague struck, provoking several peasant uprisings. »
« It is usual to publish "Tide Tables" in which the times and heights of the high and low tides of the so-called main ports are given for every day of the year. On the basis of these tables it is possible to establish exactly how high the sea will be at any time of day, for any place. »

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