14 sentences with 'begins'

Example sentences and phrases with the word begins and other words derived from it.

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« At dawn, the sun begins to rise on the horizon. »

begins: At dawn, the sun begins to rise on the horizon.
« The river begins to descend slowly upon reaching the valley. »

begins: The river begins to descend slowly upon reaching the valley.
« When you heat the water, it begins to evaporate in the form of steam. »

begins: When you heat the water, it begins to evaporate in the form of steam.
« The river begins to bifurcate, forming a beautiful island in the middle. »

begins: The river begins to bifurcate, forming a beautiful island in the middle.
« Dawn is a beautiful natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun begins to light up the sky. »

begins: Dawn is a beautiful natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun begins to light up the sky.
« One shoot after another begins to branch out from the tree limbs, creating, over time, a beautiful green canopy. »

begins: One shoot after another begins to branch out from the tree limbs, creating, over time, a beautiful green canopy.
« We get down on all fours to observe the captive animal, which begins to bellow. »
« Ignoring the animal's stench, Guiler brings his face close to it and begins to imitate its voices. »
« That a life is cut short when it begins to take root, just in childhood, is something he cannot accept. »
« A typical viral infection begins when the virus attaches itself to the outside of the host cell via its protein capsid. »
« Depression: he distrusts everything he is told, becomes apathetic and begins to feel certain changes within himself, in his psyche. »
« Thus, for practical reasons, the subject of 'history' as a field of study begins with the invention of writing, something that began with the first civilisation itself, that of the Fertile Crescent. »
« The medical procedure begins with the insertion of a tube into the rectum, a few centimetres deep; the colon is then filled with air and the patient holds his or her breath for half a minute while a CT scan of the organ is performed. »
« Acceptance: he gives up and comes face to face with death. Wishes it to come quickly and feels it is his own event, begins to understand and may even have visions. Although already dying, delta and even alpha waves increase strangely. Something is happening in his brain. »

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