What does «ilimitado» mean in Spanish?
- That it has no limits or that these limits are unknown or undefined.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el potencial de las redes sociales es ilimitado".
"tienes una imaginación ilimitada".
- Unrestricted or unconfined.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tienes descarga de datos ilimitada en internet".
"tienes descarga de música ilimitada".
"almacenamiento ilimitado en internet".
"con este pase tendrá un acceso ilimitado en nuestras instalaciones".
- That seems to have no limits or end in time or space, because it is something very large or very long.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la atmósfera contiene una cantidad ilimitada de oxígeno".
"su fortuna parece ilimitada".
- Unbounded function. That function that does not have a maximum or minimum value of x. A function "f" defined on a set "X" with real/complex values is bounded if its set of values is limited.
- Unlimited set. A set in which its upper and/or lower boundary is not finite.
- Unlimited resource. A resource that exists in greater quantity than can ever be needed. For example, water, which, although limited on Earth, from the point of view of a company that uses it, is generally an unlimited resource.