5 sentences with 'boundary'

Example sentences and phrases with the word boundary and other words derived from it.

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« The Adams-Onís Treaty, named for Adams and the Spanish ambassador, Luís de Onís, made the cession of Florida official and fixed the boundary between the United States and Mexico at the Sabine River. »
« At the beginning of Pontiac's uprising, the British issued the Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited white settlement west of the Proclamation Line, a boundary line running along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains. »
« President Polk - whose campaign slogan in 1844 had been "Fifty-four or fight!" - asserted the right of the United States to gain full control of what was known as the Oregon Country, from its southern border at 42° latitude (today's boundary with California) to its northern border at 54° 40' latitude. »
« Jefferson also wanted to strengthen trade in the West, as he saw the port of New Orleans and the Mississippi River (then the western boundary of the United States) as crucial to American agricultural trade. In his view, farmers would ship their produce up the Mississippi River to New Orleans, where it would be sold to European traders. »
« The Picton, New and Lennox Islands and an Atlantic maritime area - some 10,000 km2 - came under Chilean sovereignty. A maritime boundary was also established defining exclusive economic zones 200 nautical miles to the south (Chilean zone to the west and from Cape Horn; Argentine zone to the east and from the island of Tierra del Fuego). »

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