What does «arcaico» mean in Spanish?
- Related to archaism: old-fashioned word, phrase or manner of speaking.
Examples of use in Spanish: "fermoso es una palabra arcaica, actualmente se emplea hermoso".
- Old, unused, outdated or obsolete.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tienes una forma de vestir arcaica".
"esa vieja tiene costumbres arcaicas".
- Very old or belonging to times when it has not yet reached its full development.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las civilizaciones arcaicas".
- Relating to different eras or periods of very ancient times. A term used in geology, archaeology and historiography.
- (eón arcaico) Geologic period beginning 4.6 billion years ago and ending 2.5 billion years ago.
Examples of use in Spanish: "del eón arcaico no han sido encontrados más fósiles que unos restos de algas rudimentarias".
- (eón arcaico) A term applied by early geologists to a complete series of rocks, which were considered to represent the original crust of the Earth. It is now believed that the rocks that constituted the primitive crust are unknown to us. According to one hypothesis about the origin of the Earth, such a "crust" never existed. The term "Archean" is no longer used in its original meaning, and the rocks to which it was applied are attributed to the Archeozoic (now called the Archean eon) and Proterozoic or Cryptozoic Eras. The term Precambrian has also been widely used as a synonym for "archaic" in a broad sense.