9 sentences with 'periods'

Example sentences and phrases with the word periods and other words derived from it.

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« Systole and diastole: contractions of the heart (systole) alternate with periods of expansion (diastole). »
« These were periods during which the political control of the ruling dynasty broke down and rival groups fought for control. »
« The REM sleep stage occurs in three, four or more periods, the first of which breaks out no earlier than an hour and a half after the eyes are glued shut. »
« "One woman who spent long periods of solitude in the desolate conditions of the North Pole recounts that she had a panoramic view of the events of her life. »
« Compared to some later periods, it was a time of relative stability and, although sometimes interrupted by short-lived wars, for the most part peaceful relations were maintained between the different states. »
« The concept of these different periods was created by Manetho, an Egyptian priest who, around 300 BCE, recorded the 'definitive' history of the ancient kings and created the very notion of the old, middle and new kingdoms. »
« The most striking peculiarity is that during these periods of sleep when we dream, there is a total absence of muscle tone - a virtual paralysis - with the exception of the eye muscles and the diaphragmatic or respiratory muscles. »
« For her there is only the crucible of the classroom - those amazing 50-minute periods for which, like a human satellite transmitter, she spends hours preparing - and the long, patient one-on-one interviews with her girls, and the other hours grading her essays word for word, phrase for phrase, idea for idea, value for value. »
« There were three important periods in the history of Ancient Egypt, the time during which Egypt was not subject to foreign powers and during which it developed its distinctive culture and built its spectacular examples of monumental architecture: the Old Kingdom (2680 - 2200 BCE), the Middle Kingdom (2040 - 1720 BCE) and the New Kingdom (1550 - 1150 BCE). There were also two "intermediate periods" between the Old and Middle Kingdoms (First Intermediate Period, 2200 - 2040 BCE) and the Middle and New Kingdoms (Second Intermediate Period, 1720 - 1550 BCE). »

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