7 sentences with 'archaeology'

Example sentences and phrases with the word archaeology and other words derived from it.

« A sister field to history, archaeology, developed as the study of the past based on unwritten artefacts (such as the remains of bodies in graves, surviving buildings and tools). »
« That said, history and archaeology remain closely intertwined, especially since so few written records remain from the remote past that most historians of the ancient world also conduct archaeological research, and all archaeologists are also at least familiar with the relevant histories of their areas of study. »
« The two regions had been politically distinct for centuries, but (according to archaeology and the dating system created by Manetho) in about 3100 BC Narmer, a king of Upper Egypt, conquered Lower Egypt and united the country for the first time. »
« There is a simple and annoying problem with any discussion of Roman emperors: the sources. While the archaeology and surviving written sources create a reasonably clear basis for understanding the major political events of the Julian dynasty, the biographical details are much more difficult. »
« It is also clear from archaeology that many Germans made a career of fighting in Roman armies and then returned to their home areas, and that many Germans regarded Rome as a model of civilisation to emulate, not as a permanent enemy. »
« Everything seemed clear until archaeology came along and announced that in Pakiao, northern China, a piece of paper had been found in a tomb dating back to the 2nd century BC. »
« This unique piece of archaeology is dated 196 BC and reproduces a decree of King Ptolemy V in two languages - Greek and Egyptian - and three scripts - Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic. This fortuitous circumstance made it possible to decipher the writing of the pharaohs. »

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