What does «mogólico» mean in Spanish?
- Belonging to or relating to Mongolia, the Mongols or the extinct Mongol Empire (established by Genghis Khan, which existed from the early 13th to the 14th century, extending throughout Central and Lesser Asia, part of China, Persia, the Caucasus, Russia and northern India).
- Belonging to the Great Mogul (Mogul Empire or Mogul), a powerful Islamic Turkic state that existed between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, and which covered much of the current territory of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, even coming to possess areas of Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan and eastern Iran. This Mughal Empire should not be confused with the Mongol Empire (which dominated much of Asia between the 13th and 14th centuries). In 1856 the British Empire took over the government of India, making the Mughal Empire formally disappear.
- An insult to tell someone that they are stupid.
- Person with Down syndrome. In 1886, the British physician John Langdon Haydon Down described this syndrome for the first time. It was he who described people affected by this chromosomal disorder as "Mongolians" or "Mongolians", due to the facial similarities of those affected compared to the nomadic groups of Mongolia. In 1961, it was proposed to change this name to the current "Down syndrome", because the terms "mongoloid" (and similar) were offensive. In 1965 the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the change of the term, following a formal request from the Mongolian delegate.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡eres un mogólico!" (muy despectivo).
"la palabra mogólico es usada como insulto".