10 sentences with 'current'

Example sentences and phrases with the word current and other words derived from it.

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« She felt unhappy with her current job. »

current: She felt unhappy with her current job.
« The breeze is a current of air that blows gently and coolly. »

current: The breeze is a current of air that blows gently and coolly.
« Imagining that Santos had been swept there by the current filled me with anguish. »
« But the current pulled him into the shadows of the bridge and we lost sight of him. »
« In turn, almost all current films and television programmes are deeply indebted to Greek drama. »
« If they gave way, the current would sweep both ships around and they would inevitably be destroyed. We had to cast off. »
« Suzanne Kelly made a sudden resolution that her current year's students were to find out what had become of the other survivors. »
« To begin with, current evidence shows that evolution has taken place not so much through gradual mutations, but through long periods of stability interrupted by the sudden emergence of new species. Second-hand genes" could explain how this happens. »
« Western Civilisation: The obvious question is "the West of what?" Similarly, where is "the East"? Terms used in current geopolitics regularly refer to an East and a West, as in "Far East" and "Middle East", as well as in "Western" ideas or attitudes. »
« The positions of psychology vary according to the current of thought. The most widely heard stress the phenomenon of "isolation", an area in which the events closest to death experiences are studied and produced in a laboratory: what happens to a person's body and mind when they are isolated in one way or another? »

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