What does «tomar» mean in Spanish?
- To grasp or hold something in one's hand.
- To take, even if it is not with the hand.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar agua de la fuente".
- Receive or accept.
- To occupy or acquire by force.
- Eating or drinking.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar un desayuno", "tomar el chocolate".
- To adopt, to put into practice.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar precauciones".
- To contract, to acquire.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar un vicio".
- To hire or adjust a person to provide a service.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar un criado".
- To rent. Example of use "to take a car", "to take a house", "to take a box".
- To understand, judge and interpret a thing in a certain sense, according to certain more or less clear aspects that it offers us.
Examples of use in Spanish: "hay que tomar estas corazonadas como venidas del cielo"; "tomar a broma una cosa"; "tomar en serio a alguien o alguna cosa".
- Followed by por, it usually indicates wrong judgment.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomarle a uno por ladrón"; "tomar una cosa por otra".
- To occupy any place to close the passage or intercept the entrance or exit.
- To remove or steal.
- Buy.
- Receive the meaning of certain names that are attached to it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar fuerza", "tomar aliento".
- Construed with certain noun verbs, it means the same as the verbs from which such nouns are derived.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar resolución: resolver"; "tomar aborrecimiento: aborrecer".
- Built with an instrument name, set out to perform the action for which the instrument is intended.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar la pluma, ponerse a escribir"; "tomar la aguja, ponerse a coser".
- To begin to follow a direction, to enter a street, road or stretch of road, to walk along it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tomar la derecha"; "tomar la carretera de Madrid"; "tomar una vuelta, una curva o un giro".
"al llegar a la esquina", "tomó por la derecha", aquí usados como intransitivo.
- (tomarse) With reference to wine or other liquor, to become intoxicated.
- (tomarse) Becoming covered with mold or urine.
- (¡toma!) Interjection with which it is given to understand the little novelty or importance of some species.
- (¡toma!) Interjection to point out as punishment that which is being talked about.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¿no te dije que corrías peligro? pues toma".
- (tomarla con uno) Contradict him and blame him in everything he says or does.