What does «neófito» mean in Spanish?
- A person newly converted to a religion; among Christians, the newly baptized; catechumenate, proselyte. The time for considering someone a neophyte is not fixed, it is at the discretion of the bishop and can vary in each particular case; in many cases it is one year. From ancient times there have been prohibitions for neophytes. Also said of a newly ordained priest or a person who has recently taken monastic vows.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es neófito, acaba de ser bautizado".
"No sea neófito o recién bautizado porque hinchado de soberbia al verse en tan alta dignidad, vaya a incurrir en la misma condenación del diablo cuando cayó del cielo", 1 Tim. 3,6. La Biblia.
"No es neófito, ya hace cuatro años profesa los principios de la fe cristiana".
"los primeros aborígenes convertidos eran llamados neófitos".
- A person who has recently adopted an opinion or party; recently adhered to a cause, ideology, grouping, collectivity, etc.; proselyte.
Examples of use in Spanish: "aún es neófito en el partido".
"se nota que eres neófito... por tu gran entusiasmo".
"es un neófito en política".
- Beginner in any activity; novice, inexperienced.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El libro es una lectura maravillosamente estimulante tanto para los neófitos como para los aficionados al vino".
"soy neófito en la cría de palomas, aún estoy aprendiendo".
- In fraternities, a person who is a new convert or new member of the organization.
Examples of use in Spanish: "recién han ingresado a la universidad, son neófitos".
- In botany, a plant species recently introduced into an area, so that it is not native to that geographic region. Plants that are long established in an area are called archaeophytes. In Great Britain, neophytes are defined as plant species that were introduced after 1492, when Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World and began the so-called Columbian exchange.