What does «lastre» mean in Spanish?
- A weight placed on the bottom of a boat or vehicle to facilitate steering and stability.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el lastre que sueltan los barcos".
- Sand carried by free balloons to throw and relieve their weight when convenient; it allows gaining altitude or slowing down the descent speed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "largar lastre".
- Judgment, maturity, balance or poise in a person's character.
Examples of use in Spanish: "cabeza con lastre".
- A thing that impedes the proper functioning or causes difficulties.
Examples of use in Spanish: "soltar lastre para sacar el negocio adelante".
"su inexperiencia es su gran lastre".
"la falta de recursos es un lastre para el negocio".
- A thing that prevents one from acting freely, that obstructs what is desired.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el lastre de su vida siempre fue su esposo, nunca la dejó crecer".
- Poor quality stone and cracked slabs left on the surface of a quarry. It cannot be worked and is only used for masonry work.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el lastre se emplea en trabajos de mampostería".
- Characteristic that makes the quality of someone or something good.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Son gente de poco lastre".
- (ir o navegar en lastre) log. Sailing with no load other than ballast.
- (pozo de lastre) Site from which aggregates are extracted.
♦ Used in: Chile - (tanque de lastre) Compartment that when filled or emptied of seawater allows a submarine to submerge or surface.