What does «irritado» mean in Spanish?
- Choleric, angry, irate. Bad-tempered.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Te noto irritado hoy, ¿te pasa algo?".
"La gente está irritada, por eso las peleas constantes en las calles".
"está visiblemente irritado, mejor no preguntarle nada ahora".
- Tissue or skin that suffers irritation due to wounds or sores produced by rubbing, aggressive chemical agents, fungi, infections, allergies, etc., and which generally produces inflammation and itching or burning in the area. The irritated tissue is generally caused by cytokines of various types. The main causes of these abnormal states are ingested food, objects with which contact is made, air quality or some types of diseases.
Examples of use in Spanish: "presenta el glande irritado y rojo por presencia de hongos".
"tengo las axilas irritadas".
"esta sustancia puede dejar irritada la piel".
"tiene la piel irritada por el roce de los pantalones al caminar".