19 sentences with 'infections'

Example sentences and phrases with the word infections and other words derived from it.

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« Infections in hospitals are often monitored closely. »
« Infections spread rapidly during the cold winter months. »
« Handwashing is crucial for preventing common infections. »
« His compromised immune system made him vulnerable to infections. »
« The doctor warned that untreated wounds could lead to infections. »
« Jane's cat developed ear infections from frequent water exposure. »
« Researchers discovered a new strain of fungal infections recently. »
« The study focused on antibiotic resistance in bacterial infections. »
« Vaccinations help reduce the risk of serious infections among children. »
« Penicillin is used in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria such as pneumococci, streptococci, meningococci, etc. »
« Respiratory infections: 436,000 cases of bronchitis and 190,000 cases of pneumonia occur each year due to passive smoking. »
« Sarah had to be given antibiotics and vitamins every morning to prevent lung infections, as well as enzyme powder to improve digestion. »
« Ellen's jaw dropped. She couldn't imagine that children's ear infections had anything to do with the parents' smoking, but the paediatrician's advice made sense. »
« Many doctors fear that if a drug such as ceftriaxone is used to treat common infections, it will lose its effectiveness because of resistance generated by bacteria. »
« Mysterious symptoms may be unrelated to work and may be related to factors in your way of life. Do you have animals at home? Animals may not only cause allergies, but also transmit infections. »
« Vitamin A protects against infections, promotes vision, improves protein synthesis, keeps bones healthy and prevents anaemia. It is found in fish, beef liver, milk and in fruits and vegetables. »
« According to this research, a quarter of the cases diagnosed as irritable bowel were actually infections caused by Giardia lamblia, a microscopic intestinal parasite that causes an infection called giardiasis. »
« After a while, she finally went to a different specialist for each particular symptom, and they made a diagnosis for each symptom: One doctor thought the headaches were due to sinus infections; an orthopaedist thought the hip pain was due to aerobic dancing. »
« Ear infections: In many cases, this condition, common in children, may be due to exposure to tobacco smoke. In fact, up to 2.2 million cases each year are attributable to such exposure. Why? Because breathing cigarette smoke reduces a child's resistance to certain viral and bacterial infections. »

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