What does «insolar» mean in Spanish?
- To expose a thing to the action of the sun.
Examples of use in Spanish: "conviene insolar convenientemente los tubos de calefacción del circuito hidráulico para proporcionar así calor a la casa".
- Expose something to the sun to ferment or dry. It can be herbs, plants, fruits, etc.
Examples of use in Spanish: "debes insolar los ajíes para secarlos".
- Heat stroke: disorder due to prolonged exposure to the sun's heat. In severe cases it can cause high fevers and convulsions.
Examples of use in Spanish: "me insolé hoy en la playa".
"es muy común insolarse durante el verano".
"los animales también pueden insolarse".
- In graphic arts, to expose a preparation or emulsion sensitive to artificial light to reproduce drawings or text on a plate.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el foco halógeno sirve para insolar las emulsiones y films que se utilizan en serigrafía".
- In photography, a light-sensitive preparation will be exposed to light.