What does «endósmosis» mean in Spanish?
- An outward-inward current that is established when two liquids of different densities are separated by a very thin membranous (semipermeable) septum. It is established at the same time as its opposite, exosmosis. It is an osmotic current that penetrates a closed system (a biological cell, for example) through the semipermeable membrane, the contents of which are hypertonic in relation to the environment. The force of osmosis varies according to the dissolved substances. Of all organic substances, sugar and albumin are the ones that possess it to the greatest degree.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el disolvente atraviesa la membrana celular en dos sentidos: hacia afuera (exósmosis), pasando de la célula al cristalizador; hacia adentro (endósmosis), pasando desde el cristalizador a la célula".
- Electric endosmosis (electric osmosis) is the passage of a liquid through a membrane or diaphragm when an electric current is applied to it.