12 sentences with 'biological'

Example sentences and phrases with the word biological and other words derived from it.

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« DNA is the fundamental biological component of all living beings. »

biological: DNA is the fundamental biological component of all living beings.
« Understanding the biological cycle of plants is essential for their cultivation. »

biological: Understanding the biological cycle of plants is essential for their cultivation.
« A cyborg is a being made partly of a biological body and partly of electronic devices. »

biological: A cyborg is a being made partly of a biological body and partly of electronic devices.
« Water pollution should be avoided in areas where biological balance is still maintained. »

biological: Water pollution should be avoided in areas where biological balance is still maintained.
« The biological value of a nutrient is the percentage of the absorbed nutrient that the body can retain. »
« Those that survived did so through a biological marriage of convenience called symbiosis, a very common phenomenon in nature. »
« Humans are members of a species of hominids, which is the same biological classification that includes advanced apes such as chimpanzees. »
« Humanity's first hominid ancestor was called Australopithecus: a biological species of African hominid that evolved about 3.9 million years ago. »
« Hominid is the biological "family" that encompasses the great apes - Australopithecus, as well as Homo sapiens, are examples of biological "species" within that family. »
« It was noted that the most important biological entity exchanged between the hemispheres was the smallpox virus, which was at the centre of the worst epidemic in world history. »
« His decision to make Commodus (Lucius Aurelius Commodus) his heir was due to a simple fact: Aurelius was the first of the Five Good Emperors to have a biological son who survived to adulthood. »
« "The human brain is the last and greatest biological frontier". This was stated by Dr James Watson, co-discoverer of the double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, the key to the genetic code, in his recent book Discovering the Brain. »

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