What does «cromado» mean in Spanish?
- Action of chrome plating.
- In metallurgy, surface carburizing with chromium of steel objects to make them corrosion resistant (v. carburizing). The chromium-plated surface forms an integral part of the object and is not a mere overlay as is the case with plating. The steel parts to be chromium-plated are placed in a container containing a mixture of chromium or ferrochromium powder and alumina. Air is removed from the vessel or replaced by an inert gas; it is then heated to a temperature of 1300 to 1405 °C. for three to four hours. The chromium atoms expand in the steel and form a surface layer of chromium-alloyed steel. Chrome plating provides good corrosion protection, but can be replaced by special corrosion-resistant steel. See Anticorrosives.
- It is said of the color and characteristics obtained after the above mentioned process or by simulation.