10 sentences with 'layer'

Example sentences and phrases with the word layer and other words derived from it.

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« The atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds the Earth. »

layer: The atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds the Earth.
« The ice pack is a floating layer of ice in the polar seas. »

layer: The ice pack is a floating layer of ice in the polar seas.
« Airplanes fly through the atmosphere, which is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth. »

layer: Airplanes fly through the atmosphere, which is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth.
« The photosphere is the visible outer layer of the Sun and is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium. »

layer: The photosphere is the visible outer layer of the Sun and is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.
« Then, with a wooden spoon, I pour a layer of tomato sauce and on top I put diced mozzarella cheese, a little basil and a pinch of salt. »
« Cover the base of a glass dish with biscuits, cover with the chocolate cream, repeat another layer of biscuits and finish by covering with the cream. »
« "I prefer a very thin layer of real cream cheese to a thick layer of some substitute product," says Sherri Atkins (1.67 meters, 62 kilos), a 51-year-old accountant. »
« It is an antibiotic that produces virtually no side effects and also provides an additional layer of protection. It is made by bees and is used by them to defend themselves against invading insects. »
« Dobson spectrophotometers, of which there are only a few in the world, are used to measure the thickness of the ozone layer. The unit of measurement is hundredths of a millimetre and the recorded thinning amounts to more than 40 percent. A hole through which death can enter. »
« It has been found that the humus, the most fertile layer of the earth, in agricultural fields in Central Europe has decreased by 47 percent in the last 50 years; the Danube is no longer blue; the Vistula River in Poland, which flows into the Baltic countries, is riddled with hydrocarbon molecules and synthetic detergents, which are not degradable. »

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