What does «croar» mean in Spanish?
- Singing frogs. The croaking of each frog is unique to its species. They create this sound by passing air through the larynx in the throat, amplified by one or more vocal sacs, skin membranes under the throat or in the corner of the mouth (if they have them). During the breeding season, male frogs attempt to attract females with their songs, and may even sing in chorus among several males. Female frogs may also respond, depending on the species. It may also be used to mark territory. There are species of frogs that do not vocalize, usually because they live in a noisy environment such as flowing water. For example, the coastal frog (Ascaphus truei) lives in mountain streams in North America and does not vocalize.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Se escucha el croar de las ranas en el estanque".
"Es un sonido muy particular, es el que croar de la rana coquí, endémica de Puerto Rico".