7 sentences with 'breeding'

Example sentences and phrases with the word breeding and other words derived from it.

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« This primitive life form, plankton, has existed for millions of years and formed the breeding ground for higher organisms. »
« It was not until the mid-8th century BC that selective horse breeding produced true "war horses" large enough to carry a heavily armed and armoured man into and through an entire battle. »
« At the University of Beer Sheva in Israel, Dr Yagil has been breeding these camels for more than 15 years, disproving the theory that these animals are nomadic individuals who cannot stay in one place for long. »
« For example: when the breeding season arrives, the female looks for a nest full of other birds' eggs, places one of her own eggs in it, and carefully removes some of the eggs that were originally there so that the number does not vary. »
« After the drought it was discovered that only half a litre of camel milk per day can keep a child alive. Based on this discovery, the Israeli researcher's efforts concentrated on breeding "super camels", which will be exported to the worst affected areas. »
« A large number of people, starting with elite male theorists, came to believe that Darwinism implied that a kind of parallel evolutionary process was at work in human society. In this view, success and power are the result of superior breeding, not just luck and education. »
« Attempts to save the species through breeding programmes in zoos have been disheartening. There are more than 100 pandas in Chinese zoos and institutions in other countries, but fewer than 100 cubs have been born in captivity in China over the past three decades, and most died in infancy. »

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