What does «complexión» mean in Spanish?
- In physiology, physical constitution of the individual; the set of physical characteristics that make up the body structure of someone. Also called "physical complexion". Physical complexion determines someone's appearance, body structure, bone structure, strength and vitality.
Examples of use in Spanish: "soy de complexión robusta".
"se lo nota de complexión fuerte y atlética".
"tiene 60 años es de complexión delgada, pelo canoso y ojos azules".
- Natural color, texture and appearance of the skin, especially the face.
Examples of use in Spanish: "de complexión clara, lisa y rosada".
"El norteño es conocido como un campesino provincial, los hay de complexión blanca o indígena, casi no hay mulatos", Qué es ser norteño en Nicaragua, Mosaico CSI - 1 feb. 2019
- Point of view, attitude or conviction.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la complexión política de uno".
- In rhetoric, a figure consisting of beginning with the same word and ending with the same word, different from the other, two or more clauses or members of the period. It is also known as symploké. Some examples of sentences where this figure of speech is used: - "When there is talk of hatred, let us stand up and speak out against it. When there is talk of violence, let us stand up and speak out against it", Bill Clinton.
- Deportment, presence, prestige.
♦ Used in: Puerto Rico