6 sentences with 'constitution'

Example sentences and phrases with the word constitution and other words derived from it.

« Before researchers discovered the constitution and properties of these warm springs, some ancient peoples had already incorporated them into their daily lives. »
« Proteins are a group of nutritional substances of complex constitution and high molecular weight, resulting from the combination of amino acids and their derivatives. »
« Many Enlightenment thinkers thus looked to Britain, since 1689 ruled by a monarch who agreed with its written constitution and worked closely with an elected parliament, as the best existing model of enlightened government. »
« A written constitution reigned in anything that smacked of "tyranny" and wistful continental philosophers like Voltaire often looked to Britain as the model of a more rational and just political system against which to contrast the abuses they perceived in their own political environments. »
« In September 1792, as the war began in earnest and the king languished in prison, a new constitution was instituted formally abolishing the monarchy and turning France into a republic with universal manhood suffrage. »
« In his famous pamphlet Reflections on the French Revolution, he wrote "It is said that twenty-four millions must prevail over two hundred thousand. True; if the constitution of a kingdom is a problem of arithmetic." »
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