What does «chajá» mean in Spanish?
- Chajá or common chajá (Chauna torquata). Wading bird that inhabits the south and center of South America. Large, measuring about 75 cm. from beak to tail, long neck and grayish color. Symbol of the pampas, it is characterized by tall feathers on its head and two barbs on the front of its wings. It is related to swans and geese, although visually it does not resemble them. It belongs to the Anhimidae family. They are herbivorous and nest in swamps.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay - Sweet dessert made with meringue, whipped cream, peaches in syrup and a sponge cake base. It is a dessert invented in 1927 by Orlando Castellano, owner of the Confitería Las Familias in the department of Paysandú, Uruguay.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay