7 sentences with 'base'

Example sentences and phrases with the word base and other words derived from it.

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« The pituitary is a gland located at the base of the skull, connected by a small stalk to the hypothalamus. »
« -The street is full of vandals," reports one of the drivers to his base, which immediately notifies the police. »
« Our base paints had been yellow," Flora says, "but I knew from conversations with customers that they would prefer it light gray. »
« Heraclius began by seizing land from wealthy landowners and monasteries in Asia Minor, and then used the seized lands as a base for new territories from which to recruit soldiers. »
« "To have a full house means to worry about having a player on every base. Settling on the highest branch means playing it safe, like a hitter with three bad balls and zero strikes." »
« The base of his skull and all the bones on the right side of his rib cage were fractured, and his lungs, diaphragm and liver were torn. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. »
« The hypothalamus is the region of the brain at the base of the brain, which indirectly controls hunger, thirst, sleep and various other functions, in close relation to the pituitary gland. »

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