13 sentences with 'basement'

Example sentences and phrases with the word basement and other words derived from it.

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« In the basement, there is a secret compartment. »

basement: In the basement, there is a secret compartment.
« The staircase allows for easy descent to the basement. »

basement: The staircase allows for easy descent to the basement.
« The basement of the house is a huge space without windows. »

basement: The basement of the house is a huge space without windows.
« The basement of the house is very damp and has a nauseating smell. »

basement: The basement of the house is very damp and has a nauseating smell.
« I want you to bring me the broom from the basement because I need to clean up this mess. »

basement: I want you to bring me the broom from the basement because I need to clean up this mess.
« She went down to the basement of her house to look for a shoebox that she had stored there. »

basement: She went down to the basement of her house to look for a shoebox that she had stored there.
« She stopped there, but he plunged another ten feet onto the basement stairs. »
« Because of the situation in the country, the staff work in a bomb shelter in the basement. »
« We made our way to the basement of the Yale Peabody Museum, where Percy Morris, assistant curator, greeted us cautiously. »
« 9:48 A.M. Beahm and Thompson found a stairway leading to the basement mechanical room, where there was a tangle of pipes and valves. »
« Before he struck again, he looked down the shaft into the basement, where he caught a glimpse of a two-inch diameter pipe coming out of the plunger. »
« Méliés went down to the basement, where he saw a sheet stretched between the two doors of a small room. There were also a hundred chairs arranged in rows. »
« Glad that my husband had finally decided to do some housework, I tiptoed downstairs to see what he was doing in the basement. I found him diligently polishing the burnt base of the chocolate chip biscuits I had just baked. »

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