6 sentences with 'bases'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bases and other words derived from it.

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« The institution of marriage is one of the fundamental bases of society. »

bases: The institution of marriage is one of the fundamental bases of society.
« The Bronze Age period is named after one of its key technological bases: bronze working. »
« The other military columns began their task but for various reasons returned to their bases. »
« Soon, in the industrial centres and at many of the military and naval bases, workers' and soldiers' councils (called soviets) sprang up and declared that they had the real right to political power. »
« The term "great power" meant something specific to this period of history: the great powers were those that could command large armies, maintain significant economies and industrial bases, and conquer and maintain global empires. »
« For months, the Russian nation was rocked by open rebellions at naval bases and in cities, and radical terrorist groups managed to take over certain neighbourhoods in the major metropolises of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Nikolai II finally agreed to allow a representative assembly, the Duma, to convene, and after months of fighting the army managed to regain control. »

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