7 sentences with 'invented'

Example sentences and phrases with the word invented and other words derived from it.

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« I invented a story to entertain the children. »

invented: I invented a story to entertain the children.
« When soap had not yet been invented, man used only water to cleanse his skin. »
« They also invented "friendship chains" made of paper clips, which grew longer with each clip one classmate gave to another. »
« A few years earlier, Einthoven had already invented another important system for checking the health of the heart: the electrocardiogram. »
« Joseph Galamb, a talented engineer, invented the Model T's lightweight and durable "planetary" transmission, an early type of automatic gear, operated by three pedals: one for the brake, one for forward and one for reverse. »
« The Indian Dinshah Ghadiali had not invented colour therapy, he had simply adapted an old Egyptian therapeutic method to the times. These ideas went hand in hand with what the Indian philosophers held: for them colour was as important as air for people. »
« In a sense, then, the Greeks invented the idea of west and east, but they did not extend the idea to anyone but themselves, certainly including the "barbarians" who inhabited the rest of Europe. In other words, the Greeks had no concept of "Western Civilisation", only Greek vs. barbarian. »

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