What does «alabado» mean in Spanish?
- Participle of praise.
- Motet that is sung in praise of the Blessed Sacrament, usually at the time of the reservation, and begins with the words, Praised be.
- Song that the old serenos used to sing when the day came and they went to the barracks.
♦ Used in: Chile - Devotional song that in some haciendas in Mexico the workers sing at the beginning and at the end of the daily work. For example, in the tinacales where pulque is made.
♦ Used in: Mexico
Examples of use in Spanish: "los tinacaleros suelen cantar el «alabado» durante la fermentación del aguamiel, un canto religioso".
- (Al alabado) At dawn.
♦ Used in: Chile - (Por el alabado dejé el conocido, y vime arrepentido) ref. that advises not to venture the good that one enjoys for the hope of another that seems greater.