5 sentences with 'enjoys'

Example sentences and phrases with the word enjoys and other words derived from it.

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« It is a delicate and time-consuming task, but he enjoys it. »
« She enjoys acting and singing, but often turns down work that would take her away from her family. »
« To this day, the word 'Epicurean', as used in English or Spanish, means someone who enjoys the finer things in life, especially in terms of good cooking! »
« Those involved in this task respond to this argument by stating that the publication of the data is part of the right to information that every individual enjoys. »
« Typically, in a Greek tragedy, the main character is a powerful male leader, a king or a military captain, who enjoys great success in his endeavours until a fatal flaw in his own personality and psyche causes him to do something foolish and self-destructive. »

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