What does «yute» mean in Spanish?
- Textile material extracted from the inner bark of several species of plants of the genus corchorus such as corchorus olitorius and corchorus capsularis, of the family Tiliaceae, native to Asia and Africa, but today cultivated in many warm countries.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el yute se emplea en la fabricación de telas de arpillera".

Tejido de yute.
- Woven from this fiber, used, among other uses, to make sacks, espadrilles and cushions.
Examples of use in Spanish: "esta es una tela de arpillera de yute". - Name of the tropical herbaceous plant from which the textile fiber of the same name is extracted. Its scientific name is corchorus capsularis. This plant has woody stems with few branches, small, yellow flowers, isolated or in pairs and fruit in the form of a capsule. It is a shrub that reaches between 2 and 4 m in altitude. It requires a warm and humid climate. Eighty percent of the production comes from India and Bangladesh.