What does «trascendental» mean in Spanish?
- That which transcends, which has consequences in the future, which has repercussions. To go beyond some limit.
Examples of use in Spanish: "este genio logró hacer algo trascendental".
"Su obra es trascendental, con absoluta vigencia en todos los tiempos".
- Communicating or extending to other things.
- That is of great importance or gravity, because of its probable consequences. Valuable, important, interesting, significant.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la cura del cáncer será trascendental para la humanidad".
"el calentamiento global será trascendental para el futuro del hombre".
- That which relates to and goes beyond the limits of sensible reality, usually related to the spiritual.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la meditación nos puede llevar a un nivel de conciencia trascendental".
- Philos. In Kant's philosophy, that which transcends the limits of experimental science. In Kantian language, that which is pure or relative to the a priori conditions of knowledge or action. In other words, that which belongs to pure reason and is prior to any experience, such as the concepts of space and time.
- In scholastic philosophy, it is said of the properties that characterize being as such, such as unity, truth and goodness.
- Said of a concept: Deriving from being and applying to all entities.