6 sentences with 'entities'

Example sentences and phrases with the word entities and other words derived from it.

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« In other times, lodges were called lodges to entities that made secrecy a total requirement. »
« Einstein challenged Newton's laws, suggesting that space and time are not two distinct entities, but form a unified whole, which he called space-time. »
« Also, historically, all states, empires and nations in history have been controlled by men, and women were not legal and political entities until the 20th century. »
« The Nazis believed that races were biological entities, that there was something inherent in the blood of each 'race' that had a direct impact on its ability to create or destroy something as vague as 'true culture'. »
« Until the 18th century, the Ottoman state benefited from treating Jews and Christians as distinct legal entities, allowing them a high degree of legal autonomy and self-government (while remaining accountable to the central government). »
« Likewise, the different Islamic states were often in conflict. The political and military history of medieval Europe and the Middle East is one of different political entities, both warlike and commercial; religion was certainly an important factor, but there are many cases where it was secondary to more prosaic economic or political concerns. »

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