What does «traqueo» mean in Spanish?
- Action and effect of rattling (to make noise, din or clatter).
- Action and effect of rattling (making a short, dry sound similar to that of dry wood when it opens).
Examples of use in Spanish: "escucho un traqueo en mis rodillas al caminar, creo que debo ir al médico".
- Noise produced by the constant and repeated movement of something; rattling.
- Movement or lively traffic in a place of carriages, animals and people.
♦ Used in: Argentina - A loud noise, similar to a dry detonation, produced by a malfunctioning engine.
- Training of fighting cocks where the trainer uses a rooster that he holds in his hands as the opponent of the one being trained.
Examples of use in Spanish: "traqueo de gallos".
- Therapeutic movement of certain parts of the body, such as the head/neck, producing one or more clicks, which may serve to relieve discomfort.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el quiropráctico me hizo un traqueo del cuello que alivió mi dolor de cabeza".
- Tracking that is done to something to determine where it is.
♦ Used in: USA
Examples of use in Spanish: "traqueo satelital".
- History with the average performance of the racehorse or fighting cock.
♦ Used in: Venezuela - Work.
♦ Used in: Puerto Rico - (traqueo-) Prefix indicating relation to the trachea, e.g. tracheotomy, tracheobronchitis, tracheopathy, tracheorrhage, tracheostomy, tracheoscopy, etc.
- (dejar el traqueo) Stop what you are doing.
♦ Used in: Puerto Rico