What does «tarumá» mean in Spanish?
- Verbenaceous tree, which bears an oily purple fruit. It reaches 15 m in height. Its trunk is rough and light brown. It can be found in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and western Argentina. It has thorns, so it is also known as espina de bañado. Other common names: great white, coronillo colorado. Scientific name: Citharexylum montevidense.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Common name for a hardwood fruit tree found in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and southern Brazil. In Brazil it is also commonly called tarumã. Tarumá grows up to ten meters tall, its bark is dark gray; its compound leaves have a long petiole and five elliptical leaflets. The small and abundant flowers become fleshy stone fruits. The fruits are eaten by several species, and also serve as fishing bait. Common names: azeitona do mato (forest olive), azeitona brava, cinco folhas (five leaves), copiúba, sombra de touro (bull's shadow), and tarumã romã (tarumã pomegranate).
- Common name for a deciduous tree of the family Lamiaceae. It reaches 3 m in height. Other common names: pechiche or aceituno. Found in Panama, Netherlands Antilles, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina and Paraguay. Used for veneer and furniture. Paraguayans used to consume its fruits and boiled leaves to cure insect bites, among other properties. Scientific name: Vitex cymosa.
- Indigenous name given to a fruit very similar to the olive.
- (Tarumá) Small Argentine town in the Montecarlo department of the province of Misiones.