7 sentences with 'grows'

Example sentences and phrases with the word grows and other words derived from it.

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« The clover grows in the green field during spring. »

grows: The clover grows in the green field during spring.
« The maple grows on one side of the thicket and has emerged victorious in its fight for the sun. »
« In my house there is a palan-palan plant that grows a lot. Can it be used to make digestive tea? »
« When children are competent at something, their self-esteem grows and opportunities to meet others arise. »
« Altercations on the roads are usually quickly forgotten, and drivers go on their way annoyed but alive. Sometimes, however, the anger grows into a battle - and a tragic outcome. »
« The device is placed between the vertebrae to be fused and then filled with bone, usually taken from the patient's pelvis. After some time, the bone grows around the device and fuses the pair of vertebrae together. »
« Anadenanthera macrocarpa grows on the eastern slopes of the Andean regions between the province of Córdoba and the State of Piauí (Brazil). The Peruvian and Bolivian Quichuas call it vilca or huilca; the Matacos of the Argentinian Chaco call it jataj or jatax. The Brazilian Tupi Guarani call it paricá or curupay. In north-western Argentina (NOA) it is called cebil and in the Orinoco River area (Venezuela), ñopo. »

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