4 sentences with 'grossly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word grossly and other words derived from it.

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« This grossly misrepresented the reality of slavery, which was, by any standard, a dehumanising, traumatising and horrifying human disaster and a crime against humanity. »
« Therefore, Columbus would have no way of knowing when he had travelled far enough around the Earth to reach his goal, and in fact, Columbus grossly underestimated the circumference of the Earth. »
« Much of Roman law still seems grossly unjust from a contemporary perspective. In particular, the laws came to establish a formal division between the rich and the poor, even in the case of citizens. »
« The constituencies had not been revised to reflect changes in population since the 18th century, and thus the North was grossly under-represented. There were also "rotten boroughs", constituencies with no one in them that were remotely controlled by a lord. One of them was a pasture. Another, called Dunwich, was literally under water; due to changes in the dykes, it had been flooded for centuries. Yet it still sent a representative to parliament, namely the descendant of the lords who had controlled it before it was submerged. »

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