What does «talluelo» mean in Spanish?
- Diminutive of stem; small stem.
- Plumule or apical bud that will give the development of the main stem of the plant and, later, to the whole aerial structure of the same.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el talluelo que dará origen al tallo".
- First stem of a plant to its first leaves, when it has not yet lignified the stem, i.e., it does not yet have hard bark or true stem.
- (mal del talluelo) A plant disease caused by fungi Phytophthora spp, Pythium spp, Rhizoctonia spp, Botrytis cinerea, Macrophomina phaseoli, Phyllosticta spp, Pseudomonas spp, Sclerotium rolfsii and Fusarium spp, which naturally inhabit soils. It is also known as fungal wilt. It is a seedling disease, i.e., it attacks especially during the first stage of plant development when the stem is not yet lignified. Damage often occurs at the root or at the base of the seedling. It is more frequent in wet and cool conditions. Contact fungicides are used at the base of the plant to prevent them.
Examples of use in Spanish: "mal del talluelo es una enfermedad común que ataca a todos los cultivos de hortalizas en las fases iniciales de la siembra".
"Una de las consecuencias de mayor importancia de utilizar semillas contaminadas, es la transmisión de hongos causantes de mal de talluelo", Plagas de semillas forestales en América Central y el Caribe, Marcela Arguedas - 1997.