What does «sucedáneo» mean in Spanish?
- It is applied to any substance with which another substance is substituted because it has similar characteristics; in many cases it is of lower quality.
Examples of use in Spanish: "material sucedáneo del cemento".
- Product with which another product is substituted, usually applied to food.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los sucedáneos del café".
"beber leche le hace mal, por lo que toma sucedáneos como leche de avena o de coco".
"los edulcorantes son sucedáneos del azúcar".
"sucedáneo de la miel".
- Poor quality substitute; poor imitation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no te conformes con sucedáneos".
- (sucedáneo de carne) A product that substitutes for meat by having similar texture, taste and appearance. Also known as meat substitute, imitation meat or vegetable meat.
- (sucedáneo del chocolate) Product similar to chocolate, but its cocoa concentration is low (40% or less, according to some legislations) or null, being replaced by other edible vegetable fats.
- (sucedáneo del café) Product that replaces coffee, usually without caffeine.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las bebidas de cereal tostado son unos sucedáneos de café habituales".
- (alimento sucedáneo) Any food product intended to replace another by imitating some or all of its olfactory, gustatory, tactile or visual properties.