What does «saturar» mean in Spanish?
- To combine two or more bodies in the maximum atomic proportions in which they can be united.
Examples of use in Spanish: "saturar un ácido con un álcali".
- To fill, satiate, satiate, satiate; to fill or use something to the limit of its capacity.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el público saturó la disco, no entraba ni un alfiler anoche".
"la ciudad se saturó de turistas".
"se saturaron las líneas telefónicas".
"siempre saturas a tu marido con comida, por eso está tan gordo".
- To wear out patience, to bore or bore. Examples of one: "this woman tires me out, I can't stand her". "I'm saturated with the current television!
- Filling a market with a product.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el mercado está saturado de este producto".
- Increasing the input signal into a system until there is no increase in its effect.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se saturó el sonido".