7 sentences with 'bore'

Example sentences and phrases with the word bore and other words derived from it.

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« In 1688, James's wife bore a son, threatening that a Catholic monarchy might remain for the foreseeable future. »
« Peasants bore the brunt of Diocletian's reforms; most of the remaining independent farmers became serfs, one step above slaves. »
« Caesar helped Cleopatra defeat her brother (to whom she was married, according to Egyptian tradition) in a civil war and gain full control of the Egyptian state. She also bore him his only son, Caesarion. »
« That said, although Richelieu reduced the power of the elite nobles, most of those who bore the brunt of his improved taxation techniques were the peasants; Richelieu compared peasants to mules, noting that they were only good for work. »
« What was found was carefully observed and it was determined that what was inside the pocket bore "too many" similarities to a modern spark plug of an internal combustion engine. The age of the stone was 500,000 years. Something was not right there. »
« During the Second World War, the USSR bore the brunt of German military power. More than 25 million Soviets died on the Eastern Front, both soldiers and civilians, and it was through the incredible sacrifice of the Soviet people that the German army was finally broken and driven out. »
« For lobsters, the best of concerts at the Teatro Colón would be an absolute bore. Although they can hear, they are only able to detect ultrasonic sounds more than two octaves above the highest audible note that humans can pick up. They have a tympanic membrane (i.e. hearing structure), but nature has managed to make some insects hear by using the respiratory system. »

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