What does «prensil» mean in Spanish?
- Serving to grasp (grasp or hold).
- In zoology, serving to grasp or hold, especially by enveloping the object it holds. Prehensility gives animals a great natural advantage in manipulating their environment for feeding, digging, and defense. It allows many animals, such as primates, to use tools to perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible without highly specialized anatomy. For example, chimpanzees have the ability to use sticks to obtain termites and larvae in a manner similar to human fishing. However, not all prehensile organs are applied to tool use; the giraffe's tongue, for example, is used in feeding and self-cleaning.
Examples of use in Spanish: "este primate tiene una cola prensil".
"la trompa prensil del elefante".
"tentáculos prensiles del pulpo".
"las patas de muchas aves son prensiles".
"Los pies humanos perdieron la capacidad prensil de los dedos para adaptarse al bipedismo".
"El diseño anatómico del buitre negro, dada su incapacidad prensil, le impide cazar. Se trata de un ave carroñera".
- Have a keen intellect or a powerful memory.
Examples of use in Spanish: "una mente prensil".
"poetas... esos talentosos hombres extrañamente prensiles".